During 2008 the FLCC roars into its tenth year of fun, frolic and friendship! Stay tuned as we continue to enjoy and be involved in lots of thrilling developments!

What is the Florida Coaster Club?
The Florida Coaster Club (FLCC) is an all ages, family-friendly community of roller coaster enthusiasts from all corners of the globe dedicated to riding roller coasters and having fun together all year!

How long has the Florida Coaster Club been around?
The FLCC began in late 1998 and began accepting members in January 1999. We celebrated our 9th Anniversary in January 2008.

How many and what type of people make up the members of the The Florida Coaster Club?
We began with 25 Founding and Charter members and now have over 700 members. Our member ages range from babies to 80 years young! Families, singles, couples, students, teenagers, children and retirees... people from all walks of life. Our members reside in a dozen different states and even some foreign countries!

How does the Florida Coaster Club operate?
With one goal ... to have fun! We have five departments; Administration, Public Relations, Events, Merchandise, and Website. We work together to bring the most opportunities and best services to our membership. Decisions are made by an Advisory Board made up of these department heads and other dedicated FLCC members. Whether we are meeting monthly as a group to ride the best coasters, filming a commercial, or enjoying in-state, out-of-state or international ERT (exclusive ride time) events.

What do I receive with membership in the FLCC?
Whether you choose a one-year or two-year membership, you can be assured the benefits are astronomical. Personalized membership cards for every member, direct contact with all departments at all times, commercial filming opportunities for the entire family, monthly events and gatherings locally and across the globe (except in December and January), Media Day invitations, exclusive coaster construction tours. There are events, that without membership in the FLCC, you would not otherwise be able to participate in.

I see you everywhere! What's the deal?
Oh, that! You saw us on television, or on commercials, in the paper, in a magazine, or through the locked front gate of your favorite park while we were already in, and already riding. Join the club, and leave Joe Public behind! Seriously, we have established strong working relationships with many parks, attractions and film studios who all love our members' interview and ride style. The fact that our members are knowledgeable, outgoing, polite and enthusiastic fans makes us the perfect 'talent' for all advertising mediums.

What about those crazy "WE RIDE ALL YEAR" t-shirts?
Oh, those! Our motto since day one has been "We Ride All Year!" Why? Because we can! We've been fortunate to have graphic artists and slogan development folks in charge of our Merchandise Department since 1998. The We Ride All Year T-shirts are also known as the "Infamous" tee because so many people (members and non-members alike) purchase them for family and friends. Our merchandise is number one in quality. We use only top of the line products. Not only do we have quality T-shirts, we also have auto accessories, stickers, polo shirts, car flags and hats! Keep an Eye out for new things to come.

How will I be kept informed as an FLCC member?
Each member has access to the message board. Additionally, if something new arises (a call for commercial riders or an exclusive FLCC offer from parks), we email the message announcement. We cannot stress enough, the importance of members to check their emails, and frequently check this website. Members without email are notified via snail-mail and/or are telephoned about last minute exclusive opportunities.

If you have any additional questions or change of address, email or phone number, please contact us at administration@floridacoasterclub.com

Florida Coaster Club logo and name are trademarks of
Florida Coaster Club
Copyright © 1999-2009 Florida Coaster Club  All rights reserved.